Total cases is now over 50m with over 1.25m deaths. Daily infection numbers are close to 600k per day - a new record. The US and France are particularly high.
New beginning
But the attention is elsewhere. The whole week was about the US election. Thankfully there is hope for a new beginning. The world needs some peace and tranquility ... and decency and honesty. Hope DT leaves gracefully and is also treated respectfully (nicely, decently, ... ?).
Travel to Germany
My week was largely spent fighting the virus. Not inside me but trying to keep it out of me. Started with a ‘just checking test’ on Wednesday in London which was negative which gave me the confidence to go to Germany (work has to go on and VC works only for so long). I flew (did not want to drive through France) to Frankfurt on Sunday night, checked into an airport hotel, did another quick test (6 hours) in the morning - negative again and then drove the 2 hours to my destination in south Germany.
Germany had just started a month long lockdown and all food places and hotels were closed. I wondered if my hotel would be closed by the time I arrived (it wasn’t - business travel was still allowed). I did not starve but food options were limited. The hotel stopped room service half way through the week. Chocolate helped ! We ordered lunch from a caterer one day.
On my return flight to London, it was 4pm and the sun was setting. I looked out of the window and reflected on the romance of travel and flying. Its beautiful - to be able to look down from the sky. It’s essential - to be able meet colleagues face to face and friends and family.
A beautiful orange glow lit up the sky and the wing of the plane and Windsor castle below. Yes I know - orange is not a very popular color right now (but over 70m in the US do like it!).
I landed just a few hours before UK regulation requiring 14 day quarantine for travellers from Germany kicked in. Phew! My favourite neighbourhood pub at The Warrington had also closed. Its going to be a long winter ...
I went home, rode my new exercise bike and made some Biryani. Life is still good.
Thank for reading.
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